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    Who Is Monica?

    Monica Escobar Allen, Founder + CEO of The MoMeMans®

    Short answer, a weirdo.

    Long answer, a few key facts:

    1. Since I was a kid, I've been doodling, writing age-expected poetry, hearing melodies in my head with random lyrics and a teller of silly stories in random rhymes. 

    2. In my mid-20s, I moved to New York City and became an art director at one of the biggest advertising agencies in the world. It was from there I learned how to pitch ideas to giant global companies and the importance of branding, design and marketing. More importantly, I found myself in hours and hours of meetings where my meeting notes turned into a whole cast of character doodles.

    3. Since I accidentally created the characters, I became obsessed with giving them a life and reason for being. So I dove backwards into it and The MoMeMans were born.

    4. Now I spend my time juggling orders for customers and with vendors, website management, product inventory, social media, newsletters, taxes, writing, singing, animating, hustling markets on the weekends, freelancing (this is still a side hustle), being a wife, a friend, a mom, giving lots of hugs and kisses, learning a ton and having fun!

    Thank You!

    Thank You. The MoMeMans™ by Monica Escobar Allen

    There are so many people to thank. So many people who have put up with my nonsense, been patient with my blibber blabber and let me think out loud about this whole project. Here are just a few:

    My darling husband, Ryan. My daughter, Ayla July. These two have put up with me the most. I mean, they do live with me. There have been many times I don't get to hang with them because I'm on a deadline. Especially during those weeks I'm trying to run The MoMeMans while also working a freelance gig. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. I'm grateful to have you in my life. And grateful for my little test subject that always thinks mommy's work is funny.

    My mom, Yolanda. My dad, Oscar. Thank you for always supporting me in my adventures and endeavors and thank you for thinking I'm kinda cool. 

    Donny Dykowsky for being the best music producer and collaborator.

    Lindsey Kaufman Palan, Dan Palan, Frances Schmidt, Kristen Rumble, Carly Cooper Shin and Maria Peracchio Liu for advice and your time during endless drafts and rewrites.

    Angie Chen for showing me how to look at things.

    I want to thank Freehold Cafe and the folks who work there and Blank Cafe and the folks who work there. Thank you for your strong and delicious cold brew that keeps me cranking out work when I'm tired.

    I want to thank my neighbor, Jennifer Bernstein, for allowing me to knock on her door in the middle of the day when I get new products because I'm so excited to show someone!

    That guy I shared an office with while on a freelance job. I don't remember your name but you gave me a lot of encouragement and really motivated me.

    I also want to thank Peter Moore Smith for telling me years ago, "I like your drawings. You should do something with them." Thanks Peter. Thanks for giving me a nudge and changing my life. ;)

    The lesson here is: Give compliments when you like someone's something. It might change their life. 

    Can a Kangaroo Moo?

    A Thing or Two About U. by Monica Escobar Allen

    In the works! Find Lou and his buddy Sue on their adventure through a ridiculously huge zoo to find a kangaroo, named Hugh, who may or may not choose to moo when they ask him to.

    This book is all about the sounds and spelling of the long U sound. Hopefully the first in a series of all vowel sounds, but let's get this one out the door first…just in the last revisions over here. 

    I'll be updating about this project, the world of book publishing and it's journey into stores and hopefully, your home.

    Stay tuned.

    The MoMeMans! It's official!

    The MoMeMans™ by Monica Escobar Allen

    Thank you for visiting.

    Hi there. And welcome to The MoMeMans.

    My name is Monica Escobar Allen. I'm a lifelong doodler, songwriter and teller of silly stories in random rhymes. This enthusiasm for silly was always pretty random and useless but it all started falling into place after I had a baby girl. The MoMeMans is a project I started actively dreaming about in 2015 after the second time I went freelance* and sort of had some time on my hands. 

    Over the last two years, I've been drawing, designing, making things, changing things and making more things. I've learned nine different web platforms, researched vendors and manufacturers. I’ve waited patiently – but not so patiently – to get good samples, bad samples and super amazing samples of potential products. I've written, re-written, re-positioned. Made dinner, packed lunches, taught myself how to edit and animate. Written songs with my husband, Ryan, and my musical guru, Donny Dykowsky to give these MoMeMans some life. I've stayed up late, reworked art before the family woke up, freelanced 12-hour days, potty-trained my kid and worked during her [successful] weekend naps. I've shot and reshot product in different light. I've second-guessed everything and started again. And right now, I'm pretty ecstatic to have gotten to this point. So, thank you for being there. Thank you for being here. Thank you for your interest. I've enjoyed creating these characters and giving them lives and it’d be pretty cool if you liked them too. I have so many more videos and stories in-the-works and things I want to create. But it's one thing at a time, right? Thank you for visiting. Thank you for coming with me! 

    This is just the beginning…

    *I'd gone freelance three years before to start figuring out this very thing but then realized I had no money in savings and so I took a freelance job a week after I quit my job and that freelance job turned into eight-months permalance that turned into three years full-time. So, let's try this again folks.