What Inspired The MoMeMans?
It all started from meeting doodles. I come from a career in advertising and there are so many meetings. Like, an absurd amount. So, I doodled to help pay attention (there's research about that). And when the meeting stopped. The doodle stopped.
Before I knew it, I’d doodled my way into a whole cast of characters. As I scanned the collection, I’d wonder what they could be about. I liked their half-finished, or even quarter-finished, level of physical details due to the length of the meeting. Because I appreciated the good they could be at that stage of their life. I mean, shouldn’t we be appreciated for the good we bring at every stage of our lives? So, that’s what they became.
Introducing The MoMeMans®
A kooky cast of characters with exaggerated idiosyncrasies because it's something to celebrate! I made The MoMeMans bursting with compassion, wonder, resilience and grit, because that's who I am!
Plus I’m a mom. And this is my way of sharing who I am with my daughter. To help her and her peers see the possibilities in all of us!
The MoMeMans give meaning to absurdity by find the funny, sunny side of life with Poetry + Songs + Art! Because it is possible to spin a limitation into something worthwhile.
I'm continually expanding their narratives and sharing new stories and videos as they are ready. Until then, I hope you enjoy their quirky, kind-hearted nature and maybe even chuckle, even if you don't know why you're chuckling. I invite you to join me in this quest to find meaning in the daily absurdity of life and let's laugh together. Because hey, whether you're laughing with me or at me, it's a win!
Thank you for finding The MoMeMans.
With love and gratitude every day I get to do this,
Monica Escobar Allen
Founder + Creative Director + Artist