2018, The Year I Had to be a Real-Life MoMeMan
The MoMeMans Philosophy is all about finding your own strengths and using them to help others. Not trying to be like this person or that person. Doing what you can with who you are. And pretty much daily, I've had to remind myself to also behave this way. So, maybe it's a pretty good philosophy. At least, for me. Wait, did I create this whole thing for myself? Is this true? Yikes. Talk about self-reflection. But maybe it could also help others. Whether you're a kid or an adult or whether you're an adult living with a kid (or kids) and freaking out about the responsibility that is raising a compassionate, resilient, gritty and curious little human, I think this philosophy can help us all. Here's to the end of year one comprised of stumbling, learning and growing. And here's to another year of more of the same. Because once we figure out whatever we're trying to do after all the stumbling, it feels pretty good. Pretty amazing actually. And suddenly, all that struggle begins to fade away. Happy New Year of Discoveries. Happy New Year of Learning. Happy New Year of Stumbling. Happy New Year of Growing. Trust me, it's all worth it.