Meet the Artist: Monica Escobar Allen
Who is this Monica? Short answer, a city-loving-writer-illustrator-music-maker-bread-baker-weirdo-turned-mama who lives in Brooklyn, NY with her husband, daughter and a lot of plants.
Who is this Monica? Short answer, a city-loving-writer-illustrator-music-maker-bread-baker-weirdo-turned-mama who lives in Brooklyn, NY with her husband, daughter and a lot of plants.
Jazz and pizzazz up your IG Stories, your TikToks, your Tweets, your Tinders and all things social with our Giphy stickers! Just type: momemans in GIFs search bars and there we are! Now how's that for an exciting Thursday morning?!
We are up and running on Spotify! Whether you're on the go or in the home, we've got four minutes of fun tunes ready to be heard...on repeat. Click here to go directly to our "The MoMeMans: A Place Called MoMeMa" playlist in Spotify. Enjoy the playlist or listen to each single as you like, whatever you floats your music boat! And don't forget to hit the follow button and share it with your friends! We love making new friends as much as we love making music!
We are launching on Spotify THIS SUNDAY, April 25! Yahooo! Now you will be able to enjoy all of our wacky stories whenever you want! Look out for our playlist and I’ll check back around to letcha know how to find it, once I figure out how to find it! #stillfiguringitout
The biggest thank you to my favorite musical genius, Donny Dykowsky for being the best music partner! I already can't wait to get back into the studio!