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    Your Go-To Guide to Williamsburg, Brooklyn from a Long-Time Local

    Domino Park in Williamsburg, Brooklyn. Curiocity Guide | Williamsburg with Monica Escobar Allen, Founder of with Knof Design
    All my favorite places to stay, eat, drink, shop and spend time in Williamsburg, Brooklyn. I was interviewed by the amazingly talented interior designer, Susan Knof, Founder of Knof Design, for her Curiocity Guide. Live like a local and get the best out of the hood. I'm grateful every single day that I get to live here!

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    2022 Gift Guide that Gets Specific

    Very Specific Gift Ideas for the Very Specific People in Your Life. by Monica Escobar Allen. Brooklyn, NY
    Here are some very specific gift ideas for the very specific people that may or may not be in your life. Although, it's more helpful if they are. Like, your BBF who's reading "The Artist's Way." Or, Kids with Fun Moms. Friends Who Only Buy Local and Organic. And, Parents of Toddlers Who Aren't Afraid to Get Down and Dirty. Are these peeps in your life?

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